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Can Scholarcy process any size document?

The machine learning algorithms which Scholarcy is built upon were trained to work best on academic articles and individual book chapters, rather than entire textbooks. If you have a 400 page textbook, and a 400 word summary, you essentially get 1 word per page! It is also common for textbooks to have multiple topics throughout, separated by chapters. Therefore, it’s best to split textbooks down into the individual chapters, to get an accurate summary of each chapter.

The machine learning algorithms which Scholarcy is built upon were trained to work best on academic articles and individual book chapters, rather than entire textbooks. If you have a 400 page textbook, and a 400 word summary, you essentially get 1 word per page! It is also common for textbooks to have multiple topics throughout, separated by chapters. Therefore, it’s best to split textbooks down into the individual chapters, to get an accurate summary of each chapter.

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