Scholarcy Plus
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Unlimited summaries, saved in one place, and readable from any device.
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Unlimited summarization
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Export up to 100 flashcards at once
Literature Matrix creation
One-click bibliographies
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Free Article Summarizer
Import a range of file formats
Limit of 10 summaries
Export flashcards (one at a time)
Scholarcy Plus
25% discount
Unlimited summarization
Generate enhanced summaries
Save your flashcards
Take notes, highlight and edit text
Organise flashcards into collections
Export up to 100 flashcards at once
Literature Matrix creation
One-click bibliographies
Safe and secure checkout
“It would normally take me 15mins - 1 hour to skim read the article, but with Scholarcy I can do that in 5 minutes.”
Omar Ng, Masters student
Scholarcy features recap
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Are there any limits?
You can generate up to 1 summary per day with our free Article Summarizer. To generate unlimited summaries and access more features, subscribe to Scholarcy.
Do I get a free trial?
You can access our Article Summarizer for free. If you want to try out Scholarcy, it's free for the first 7 days. If it's not for you, simply cancel your subscription and you won't be billed :)
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
If you cancel your subscription, you won't lose your Summaries. Re-subscribe at any time to continue using Scholarcy.
What if I have more questions?
Shoot us a message from our Contact page, or send us an email at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help you out!