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Editing With Scholarcy

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Emma Warren-Jones
5 min read

When I graduated from King's College London, I obtained a Masters in Comparative Literature. Nearly a decade has passed since I collected my degree and AI technology has changed the way we learn. In hindsight, I wish I had Scholarcy as a student to help in summarising, organising and enhancing my research papers. Nevertheless, this tool has significantly improved how I approach editing complex thesis papers. Since I left King’s College London, I have been helping postgraduate students improve their grades, publish their articles and complete their dissertations.

When I was asked to edit a research paper on Interstitial Lung Disease, I have to admit the task daunted me. Science is not my area of expertise. However, I do know that a good editor can be the key difference between a Pass, Merit or Distinction. I can help postgraduate students streamline their arguments. I improve their grammar, identify gaps in their theories and provide feedback.

In 48 hours, I had to read through a 20,000-word-long research paper on Intestinal Lung Disease. Scholarcy is a user-friendly web app that requires no downloads. The sign-up process is seamless, and within minutes, I imported the document into My Library. I had the Main Highlights, Key Concepts, an Abstract, and a Synopsis. Scholarcy was like having a reading assistant by my side, breaking down the paper into manageable categories.

I was blown away by Scholarcy. It not only saved me invaluable time but also helped me organise my Notes and Flashcards. There are over 200 Interstitial Lung Diseases, from the ultimately rare to the relatively common, which are recognised. That is a huge amount of research to cover in 48 hours. Scholarcy simplified the process by highlighting key diseases, including Fibrosis, Sarcoidosis, Pathogenesis, and Sjögren Syndrome. Clicking on these Key Concepts in Scholarcy seamlessly directed me to Wikipedia, providing me with succinct definitions of each disease.

By using Scholarcy, I was able to get to grips with the impact of long-term autoimmune diseases that often affect other organ systems. It helped me to actively learn, read and digest. Scholarcy cannot edit the paper on Interstitial Lung Diseases for me but it does help the editorial process. I was able to deliver my editorial notes to my postgraduate student in time for the deadline.

I found Scholarcy Highlights to be invaluable as they capture the essence of the paper, presenting the seven main argument points. The Scholarcy Summary further enhanced the editing process by breaking down symptoms, diagnoses, treatment plans, findings, and conclusions.

In addition to Scholarcy, there are other tools I use that help in the editorial process. Grammarly is an outstanding writing assistant that polishes language quality by identifying grammar and style issues. Microsoft Word's Track Changes facilitates seamless collaboration between editors and students. To manage citations and references with precision, consider using reference management software like EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley. In order to preserve academic integrity, use plagiarism checkers such as Turnitin and Copyscape to ensure the originality of content. Academic writing is not just about words, it is also about presentation. Upholding consistent formatting and citation styles is critical, and for this, academic style guides like The Chicago Manual of Style and the APA Publication Manual are invaluable.

If you are seeking proofreading or editorial services, trusted options like Scribbr are available, but it is worth noting that they often come with a premium price tag. For instance, a 72-hour deadline, including structural and clarity checks, could result in an invoice of £800 or more. Alternatively, you can bypass a service and approach an editor directly through platforms like LinkedIn. Websites like Upwork and Freelancer offer a wide range of freelance editors and proofreaders who can assist with your academic needs. However, when using freelance platforms, be sure to check the credentials and reviews of potential editors to ensure the quality of their work aligns with your expectations.

Scholarcy stands as a powerful companion in the world of academic editing, offering both efficiency and clarity. While it does not replace human editors, it assists with the research. Scholarcy exemplifies how technology, when used effectively, can be a game changer. Whether you are a seasoned editor or a student navigating tight deadlines, Scholarcy is a great addition to your toolkit. It can help you to boost your understanding of any subject and build your confidence as an academic.
