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⚡ Speed up academic research with Scholarcy’s

Bulk Article Summarizer

Get unlimited summaries with Scholarcy’s Bulk Article Summarizer. Import up to 64 research papers from any source in one go and extract key insights without missing information. Stop spending weeks organizing and skimming papers — import your existing collection, whatever the format, and spend more time on deep work that will push your academic career forward.

Try Free for 7 Days
📚 Bulk Import and Summarization

Build a large library of reliable and easy-to-navigate summaries in one go.

Quickly compile and summarize your research materials by importing dozens of papers in bulk.

Scholarcy supports importing files in PDF, Word, PowerPoint, HTML, XML, LaTeX, TXT, CSV, RIS, BIB, and NBIB formats.

Import from anywhere

Import multiple files from your drive, cloud storage, reference managers, or your device, and stay updated on new research with automatic, tailored RSS feed imports.

Get summaries while browsing

Use Scholarcy’s browser extension to import articles as you browse. Once imported, it generates summaries and organizes them into structured summaries. Let Scholarcy handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on analysis without losing track of any important article.

🔎 Literature Synthesization

Evaluate and compare your research collection in bulk.

Export your summaries to Excel and create a literature synthesis matrix.

Scholarcy's research comparison


Evaluate how this research stacks up
Scholarcy's Analysis view of Research quality

Side-by side comparisons

Analyze and compare Scholarcy’s structured summaries from multiple papers side-by-side. Methods, findings, results, conclusions, references, and much more - no more opening articles one by one and searching for details.

Integrates with Scite.AI

Scholarcy also integrates with Scite.AI, helping you get the key findings from any cited paper and quickly gauge the impact of cited articles.

🔎 Quick and Trustworthy Summaries

Beat deadlines with trustworthy summaries, consistent across your library.

Scholarcy’s Article Summarizer is designed to help you understand scholarly literature.

Flashcard summary makes it easy to read texts

Article Summarizer tool

Scholarcy’s Article Summarizer is designed to help you understand scholarly literature. It’s trained to identify key elements like the article synopsis, tables, references, methods, results, and more — regardless of the paper’s length or how many you import.

Consistent & reliable

It delivers consistent, reliable summaries across your entire document library without confusion or loss of information.

📊 Citations and Bibliographies

Instead of spending hours organizing references, use Scholarcy to get it done in one click.

Scholarcy simplifies reference management with its Annotated Bibliography feature. Quickly find every cited paper, view Google Scholar links, and access scite_ data.

Table extraction data and import it into Excel

Use with reference managers

Download the prepared bibliography in BibTex format, import it into reference managers like Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote, and export it in any citation style you need.

Manage large libraries

If you’re working with a large library of research, export multiple papers’ .ris and .bib references in a .zip folder and import them into reference managers in bulk. Keep your focus on the research and leave tedious reference management up to Scholarcy.

How it works

Step 1

Prepare your papers

Import papers (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, HTML, XML, LaTeX, TXT, CSV, RIS, BIB, and NBIB) from your computer, RSS feed, cloud storage, or Zotero. Or use the browser extension.

Step 2

Upload & summarize

Drag and drop your papers into Scholarcy’s importer or import them from Zotero or cloud storage. Scholarcy will automatically generate easy-to-digest Structured Summaries for each.

Step 3

Get the benefits

Read the summaries, export them to Excel for side-by-side reading, or use Scholarcy’s tools to export references, compare findings, export chart data, and get insights to push your research forward.

Try Scholarcy Free for 7 days

Have more questions?

Can I use a bulk article summarizer to create a literature review?

What are the benefits of using a bulk article summarizer for research?

How can I integrate a bulk article summarizer with reference managers like Zotero?

Can a bulk article summarizer extract key points from large datasets?

How accurate are AI-powered bulk article summarizers?

Is there a tool that can summarize articles in bulk and manage references?

Why Choose Scholarcy?

Say goodbye to endless hours of skim reading to find key insights and hello to efficient, insightful research.

Academic Reading Without Scholarcy:
Get reliable summaries of your whole reading list in minutes
Compare key points side-by-side
Export structured data for further analysis
Find cited articles for each paper in one click
Seamlessly work with reference managers like Zotero
Use your time effectively